Senin, 26 September 2016


Hallo everyone…
Do you have a brother?
I will tell you about my brothers …..
I have 2 brother,they are boys .Right now ,they studies in play group and SMP Ar-Rifai.and I love them
Sometimes my brothers make me happy but sometimes they are make me sad.Because they can help  when  I have problem and  they can disturb me .
Oh I’am forget, my brothers has the same hobby  they like plays  toy cars,overhaul and cards.Some times they  fights because scramble the toys  and it is make me dizzy. I must arbitrate if they are fights.  

When the foods came we are scramble the foods but i should succumb :( .i know they often make me sad but when they are sick I feel sick too . So I  will always love them : ).

Wassallamuallaikum : ).

Senin, 19 September 2016

ABOUT DuoLingo.....

Hei everyone....
lastday i learn about application is very interested .... :)
the name of the application is DuoLingo 
DuoLingo can help you to learn  in all language
you can learn duch language,hindi language,portuguese,etc.
the graphics is good and suitable for all ages 
this application is very usefull for child or adulit.
this application is like a game you can  open and use this application everytime and everywere :)
so this is very effective  to use for  learn english .
this application also give you some question to test your skills so you can check your ability knowledge and  vocabulary.
DuoLingo have a voice fiture,so you know how to spell word correcly,
this application have a system like a game it has some levels step by step .

Sabtu, 10 September 2016



Assallamuallaikum wr.wb ...

Hello welcomo to my blog , my name is fariha intan aulia you can call me Fariha . i am cam from Malang
i was born 8 January 1998, i have 2 young broher my hobby is drawing and coloring . I went to school in Min Malng 2 and SMP ar-rohmah Putri . Now I continued my studies in Unervesitas Negeri Malang.
i will pray i can pass well......

                                                                                        wallaikumsalam wr.wb

Senin, 05 September 2016

welcome to my blog.........


i have some desings, the designs is very-very simple for you, you can learn about design quckly.... 

maybe you can make like this, is very-very simple


this design just a few words  and little decoration  and you can search and download backgroung everywere or you can  make your own.

or this? is very simple but look like interisting, maybe you can wactch the word , design could be also interesting because of the words this

so, do not fearful to make your desings because designs ,may comprise any, might illustration, writing, quotes etc.

sorry for my bad english, and this is only my opinion ,  maybe i can make tutorial about designs later,  so see you next time  : )